Ashley Nguyen

Ashley Nguyen

I am Ashley Nguyen and I am the artist behind ASH STUDIO ART. I have created art my entire life, but in the last two years I have rededicated myself to my life’s passion. My preferred mediums are oil paint and charcoal drawings. I have a background in Graphic Design but found myself less enchanted with digital artwork. For me, art is a physical, mental, and soulful experience. To feel like I am truly creating I need my hands to get messy, I need to smell the paint, feel the texture of the canvas, and lose myself in the process of creation.

I currently live in Utah with my amazing husband and two kids and our various pets. If you’d like to get to know me better, visit my blog and spend time with me in the studio!


Life is a giant canvas waiting for you.

Dream image

The creation of ASH STUDIO ART is something that I have dreamt about for years. I envisioned a beautiful space to display the best of my artworks. I created this webspace as a portal for people to have access to myself and my artwork. Whether you are interested in commissioning a unique and personal piece of artwork that your family will love for generations to come, or if you have fallen in love with one of my currently available works, you can find exactly what you need here. 

When developing ASH STUDIO ART, I also wanted a space to get to know my clients and share my creative process with them. This is why I have my Studio Blog. This is a place where you can learn more about me, my creative space, the tools I use, the brands I prefer, and get tips and tricks of the trade. My hope is that I might inspire you to join me on this journey as I grow and learn as an artist.

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